New Believers

Congratulations on deciding to take your next step! Whether you have decided to follow Jesus or are still exploring, we are excited to come alongside you as you move forward on your spiritual journey towards living a full LIFE in Christ!

We want to partner with you on your new journey and resource you through our Christian Foundations class.


If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior and would like to make a public declaration of that decision, we encourage you to participate in a Water Baptism at LIFEhouse Valley Church.

Ready to be baptized?
Worship, Grow, and Serve

If you are ready to find out more about LVC and how you can get involved, The Worship, Grow, and Serve Connections are the place to start! These three classes are designed to help you understand the backstory of LVC, your spiritual gifts, how to get started serving others, and getting connected in the church.

Just accepted Jesus into your heart?

Praise God! Let us know and we can start this journey with you!

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